Sunday, July 12, 2009

9/11 Truth Film To Be Broadcast On Prime Time Russian TV 30 million to see documentary and debate questioning offcial story

Russian State TV is to broadcast a feature length documentary that questions the official version of events surrounding 9/11 to mark the seventh anniversary of the attacks.

DPA News Agency reports that up to 30 million Russian citizens will see Italian film maker Giulietto Chiesa's ZERO, set to be shown at prime time on a major Russian television channel on September 12th.

The film features many of the researchers, experts and witnesses that will be recognizable to those familiar with mainstay 9/11 documentaries such as Loose Change, Fabled Enemies, Terrorstorm and 9/11: Rise of the Police State.

Stephen Jones, David Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan, Robert Bowman and Webster Griffin Tarpley are just a few of the names to appear in the film.

Chiesa has also recorded a television debate with Russian 9/11 researchers, to be shown in conjunction with the documentary.

Chiesa, who has worked as a foreign correspondent with Italian publication La Stampa for more than 20 years, hopes that the publicity will forge the way for an international tribunal to investigate the inconsistencies and questions concerning the US government's official version of events on 9/11.


G20 Summit Facts

  • Brown has consistently called for global regulation of the financial system as a means towards global governance. In a speech at St Paul’s Cathedral in London yesterday he again called for a new “global society”.
  • China and Russia brought the issue to the forefront of this week’s G20 when they jointly called for a new global reserve currency a week ago
  • A central focus of the G20 summit will be the proposal to supplant the dollar with a new global currency. Both the IMF and the United Nations threw their weight behind the implementation of a new global reserve currency system to replace the dollar, in the same week that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told CFR globalists that he was “open” to the idea

On Prime Time Russian TV

9/11 Truth Film To Be Broadcast On Prime Time Russian TV

New Global Monetary Authority

Former Kissinger Policy Planner, CFR Member Calls For New Global Monetary Authority